Bonjour Dani !
C’est juste pour te dire que de ma vie je n’ai eu une symétrie telle que aujourd’hui !
Suis plus que ravie !
Merci merci Dani tu es un As
et un artiste en la matière .
Je regrette de n’avoir pas eu affaire à toi bien avant !
Il n’est jamais trop tard pour bien faire
Hi Dr Touma, I'm wishing you well from LA! My Hair looks great - very fortunate to have undergone the procedure with you and your team.
In a cupla years, I'll look to get that top up
Also, I'm wondering, is it also possible to get a procedure that increased density? Figure i could also do that
Again, what you guys have done with my head is pretty spectacular. People always comment on how i have normal hair now!
Dermal Filler Patient Review